



The EcoScape Program

The EcoScape Program


Established in 1996 on the campus of Birmingham-南部 College, 这个项目已经扩展到周边社区,并利用当地的艺术作品来说明有机园艺的做法, offer outdoor classrooms, and offer urban neighborhoods a pocket of green space for rest and recreation. 这些绿洲根据社区需求而变化,并展示了空置物业如何转变为振兴的支柱.


All EcoScapes are open to the public, although some have limited hours. Hugh Kaul EcoScape, 北伯明翰 EcoScape, and 西姆斯全海洋 are open daily during daylight hours.  For Turkey Creek Nature Preserve hours, please 点击这里. For more information or to plan a visit, click on one of the tabs below.


    Arlington-West End EcoScape

    Cotton Avenue and 9th Street SW

    阿灵顿西区EcoScape位于棉花大道和西南第9街的拐角处,以Woodlawn EcoScape为原型. The EcoScape is designed for use as a passive recreational facility. The objective is to create a botanical setting complete with flowerbeds, 座位区, and panoramic vistas. Mosaic stepping stones and park benches were designed by students from local schools. Chris Fennell's massive flower sculpture, made from recycled roofing material, draws the attention of traffic along Cotton Avenue to this wonderful neighborhood green space. The Arlington-West End EcoScape makes extensive use of recycled pavers, 木片, and soil amendments, adding to its value as an outdoor classroom.

    Students, residents, and officials joined us for the dedication.



    73rd Street and Oporto Avenue

    Located at 73rd Street and Oporto Avenue, the 布朗斯普林斯 EcoScape is constructed on a vacant lot owned by the City of Birmingham. The garden is designed for use as a passive recreational facility complete with flower beds, 座位区, and panoramic vistas. An effort has been made to restore the natural spring, which historically served this community. 未来的计划还要求在邻近的地块上重新种植一个小果园,供社区使用. 

    这个EcoScape的位置直接补充了Ruffner Mountain总体规划中概述的目标. 73rd Street provides historical access to the nature center, and the garden will serve as a local landmark for users of the trail system.

    Phase One project sponsors include 布朗斯普林斯 Neighborhood Assoc., Councillor Valerie Abbott, Wachovia Foundation, Tractor & Equipment Company, Wade Sand and 砾石, and Commissioner Shelia Smoot.



    The College Hills Ecoscape

    Located within walking distance of Birmingham-南部 College (365英国上市官网), the College Hills EcoScape was dedicated on June 9, 2007. The ornamental entrance to this 10,000平方英尺的户外教室和社区公园包含了通往365英国上市官网的原始门户之一. Raised vegetable and herb gardens are utilized by Camp NorthStar's Youth Ministries, 手绘的公园长椅只是为这个迷人的口袋公园增光添彩的几件当地艺术品之一. Project sponsors include the College Hills Neighborhood Association, the Associated Colleges of the South, 和韦德沙 & 砾石.

    In 2012, 南方环境中心扩大了与学院山的合作关系,在第九大道沿线种植了50多棵行道树.  A native plant bed now provides year round color at the entrance to College Hills, and a stone bench was installed at the 9th Avenue bus stop. Funding support was provided by the City of Birmingham.

    EcoScape sunflower created by Steve Cole, Birmingham-南部 College Art Professor

    College Hills Healing Garden


    The Hugh Kaul EcoScape

    Photos of the EcoScape
    Plants of the Alabama Meadow

    Established in 1996 on 365英国上市官网's campus, this wonderful outdoor classroom utilizes local 艺术作品 to illustrate organic gardening 实践, and provides a nuts and bolts overview for schools and communities interested in creating 低成本 nature centers or outdoor learning sites.

    The EcoScape Program: The 365英国上市官网 EcoScape

    游客 can stroll through a Northern Wildflower Garden, touch and sample 可食用的植物 and flowers, 在前往EcoScape的湿地和树木步道的途中,会经过巨大的螳螂和鹤雕塑.

    The EcoScape also provides a unique focus on water issues, ranging from Xeriscaping to Nonpoint Source 污染. Technically complex issues are presented in layman terms, and in a way that challenges visitors to contribute to change at the workplace or at 首页.


    Map of the Kaul Ecoscape



    2619 30th Avenue North

    种植北伯明翰EcoScape位于第30大道北2619号的富国银行分行旁边,于10月14日正式投入使用, 2010. Similar in design to the Healing Garden at Princeton BMC, the 北伯明翰 EcoScape  features drought resistant native wildflowers, 凸起的药草床, 果树, 和灌木. 一条蜿蜒的砾石小径引导游客经过杜鹃花凹室,中间是手绘的公园长凳. An open lawn area at the center of the garden serves as both a play & 野餐区. 北伯明翰EcoScape是在步行距离内的高级生活设施和公共图书馆, and serves as an aesthetically  pleasing gateway to the 北伯明翰 business district.

    视图 a slideshow of photographs of the 北伯明翰 Ecoscape.



    Princeton Baptist Medical Center EcoScape:  The Healing Garden

    10th Street SW and Tuscaloosa Avenue 
    (across the street from Princeton Towers)

    The Healing Garden, located on the Princeton Baptist Medical Center campus, 将特别设计的视觉艺术展品与香味和野花花园相结合,作为医院员工的治疗工具, residents of Princeton Towers, and their families, as well function as a community park. It serves as an outdoor classroom for local high schools and colleges.

    The garden is the first of its kind in Alabama and features herbs, 果树, and flowers traditionally grown in the 1940s and 1950s. 前面的栅栏是由当地艺术家Heather Spencer制作的,设计类似于著名的Gee's Bend被子图案. The center of the garden features a water sculpture created by 365英国上市官网 Art Professor Jim Neel.

    quilt patterened fence
    The recycled wrought iron fence was designed to resemble the famous
    Gee's Bend quilt patterns. Design and installation by Arnie Rutkis. (


    Princeton Baptist Medical Center Ecoscape:  The Sound Garden

    Princeton BMC's Professional Building

    Princeton's Sound Garden provides hospital staff and visitors alike with a place to recharge. 它的喷泉, wind chime sculpture, and multi-colored Bottlehead sculpture surround umbrella covered tables. 一条铺着彩色向日葵横幅的健康步道通往普林斯顿塔附近的康复花园. 这些横幅由阿尔塔蒙特艺术学校的学生设计,描绘了向日葵生命周期的各个阶段. 该项目的资金支持来自普林斯顿浸信会医学中心和大伯明翰文化联盟.

    Also tour the Princeton Baptist Medical Center EcoScape Healing Garden by clicking on the tab above this one.

    Bottlehead at College Hills EcoScape Sound Garden

    Chimes at the College Hills EcoScape Sound Garden


    Riley-Travellick EcoScape

    Riley-Travellick EcoScape

    Located in southwest Birmingham and bordering Midfield, 莱利- travellick社区是1888年由益地改善公司开发的,是一个为低收入工人规划的社区.  The neighborhood has suffered from population decline over the years, and during the 1990s, 莱利地区在疯狂黑帮信徒的领导下成为非法毒品分销中心. 

    Enviro南部nmental Center's newest EcoScape was completed on September 17, 2012 and now serves as an anchor for community revitalization. We recently added a pavilion that will be used for community festivals.

    Riley-Travellick EcoScape is in close proximity to Red Mountain Park, as well as the proposed Valley Creek Greenway.

    之前This is the site before construction began.

    Riley-Travellick EcoScape
    Riley-Travellick EcoScape


    Samuelson EcoScape

    Eastern Health Center

    东部健康中心花园是自1996年以来由南方环境中心(SEC)设计的第10个社区生态景观. It consists of a series of interconnected gardens filled with native wildflowers, 可食用的植物, 和香草. Designed for year-round color and fragrance, its paths connect a meadow garden and 南部 woodland garden.

    Siagn at Samuelson

    Signage at the Paul Samuelson EcoScape highlights medicinal plants and folklore. 除了, 一个步道系统最终将提供一个入口,通过霍金斯公园和东湖公园连接健康中心的拟议绿道.

    As part of its partnership with the Jefferson County Department of Health (JCDH), SEC will develop a community usage program for the area. 潜在的项目包括一个由东湖联合卫理公会教堂管理的周六农贸市场, and a garden training program for women residing at the Lovelady Center. 除了 to its drug treatment programs, the Lovelady Center houses a work-release program for Tutwiler prison, and assists DHR child custody cases. SEC还将帮助JCDH开发潜在的社区健康项目,如花园瑜伽和面向地区青少年的自然教育项目.

    Decorative manhole cover



    Seven Springs, Powderly. AL

    Entrance to Seven Springs


    2008年4月, 南方环境中心在伯明翰西南部的信仰使徒教会的场地上奉献了七泉生态景观. The EcoScape is designed to protect a spring-fed tributary of Valley Creek. It is 首页 to a tiny Endangered fish, the two-inch-long, red-and blue-finned Watercress Darter. The fish is known to exist only in Roebuck Springs, mike vanderboegh, 贝塞麦, and Seven Springs in the Powderly community. 桑福德大学的生物学家迈克·豪厄尔和拉里·达文波特发现了春天的豆瓣菜鲷,并在2005年促使教会和淡水土地信托基金达成协议,以确保豆瓣菜鲷及其栖息地的永久保护. The following year, U.S. fish and Wildlife Service, Samford University's biology department, and the 南部 

    Summer at the Ecoscape

    Environmental Center joined the partnership. The EcoScape was completed with the help of a Five Star Restoration Challenge Grant.

    SEC Director, Roald Hazelhoff, is currently developing an environmental education 针对社区居民的项目,突出稀有鱼类及其在当地生态系统中的重要性. The EcoScape will also serve as an outdoor classroom and meditation site. The garden's winding pathways, bounded by limestone boulders, wind through beds planted with native plants and flowers. 信仰使徒教会希望最终将生态景观沿着春天延伸到西南24街. That street extends to the borders of Red Mountain Park.



    Roald and students at work这个生态景观分布在霍姆伍德的5个相邻地块上,以凯瑟琳·西姆斯的名字命名. Affectionately known as the Plant Lady of Edgewood, Catherine was passionate about gardening, and appreciated even the smallest detail of each flower. 在她遗嘱中, she deeded her property to the City of 首页wood, with the stipulation that it be maintained as a community park and outdoor classroom. After an initial lag period during which the site became overgrown with weeds, 伯明翰南方学院的南方环境中心被请来进行全面改造.

    Today, the 3 lower lots are covered with native grasses, plants, and heirloom roses. The upper garden includes a brick patio, moss rock seating wall, 竹篱笆, and a tool shed which showcases a green roof & rainwater collection system. Catherine's former greenhouse has 在模拟人生中工作been restored, and is surrounded by compost demonstration lots. A bio-swale adjacent to the new parking area captures and slows storm water runoff, while passively watering plants. 凯瑟琳种植的一棵巨大的梧桐树守卫着整个庄园,为鸣禽提供了栖息的地方.

    后面的女士. Sims former 首页, a quiet courtyard space provides a perfect setting for receptions or lectures. No EcoScape would be complete without an edible landscape, and you'll find plenty of blueberries, 无花果, 圆叶葡萄, 桃子, mayhaw, 迷迭香, 百里香和牛至. Catherine would have wanted it that way.

    查看 map of the 西姆斯全海洋.

    Follow Sims EcoScape events 在这里.



    Located at 1113 Ford Avenue in downtown Tarrant, 这个新颖的项目为一个曾经拥有干洗店的空地提供了自然修复.  Designed for passive recreation and use as an outdoor classroom, Tarrant全海洋's bioswales mitigate stormwater runoff from adjacent parking lots. Fonde Taylor的装饰栅栏给了金属废料第二次生命,并作为攀爬玫瑰的框架. The park features a mosaic fountain, benches made from reclaimed granite street curbs, and herb garden planted by Tarrant Middle School students.   

    Phase II plans call for a culinary arts cafe to open across the street from Tarrant全海洋, 福特大道(Ford Avenue)沿线当地设计的街道横幅,吸引附近79号高速公路的交通.

    At work on the site